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Social Media Monster, a documentary

SOCIAL MEDIA MONSTER, a documentary – 89 minutes Stay Tuned after the credits for some bonus material


Watch Social Media Monster, now streaming on Mosaic TV (app available on Roku and FireTV) https://watchmosaictv.com/video-player/?video_id=983cd555-cedf-4914-bb24-1d96152331bb&cat_id=14005da6-0141-438c-8948-c967426ba8f4&title=Socail%20Media%20Monster&is_video=1


Prepare to pass through the looking glass where one man without a job, living in his car, can leverage a mobile phone and free WiFi at McDonalds & Starbucks to tear apart the fabric of people’s lives. And he can do it all without consequences. Meet Matthew, what some might call a Social Media Monster. When Matthew arrived in St. Joseph, Missouri, no one had any idea what was coming, that this one man would use social media to disrupt the lives of so many people. This documentary looks at how one person can get away with incredible amounts of damage and never pay a price, even when he threatens to commit acts of terrorism at a nuclear facility.


What makes Social Media Monster somewhat unique is the “deep dive” elements outside the film. The filmmakers have “brought the receipts” as all the public documents, police reports, emails, Facebook posts, and messages are all available online for anyone to confirm the veracity of the film’s claims. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qbyNulIhYUcckleZCmpl0pBw7DKX_9l1?usp=drive_link


Social Media Monsters, and Matthew is hardly the only one, exist in the loopholes between our justice system and companies like Facebook, Google, X, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, et al. As our society moves deeper into a virtual world, the legislature and law enforcement remain in a 20th century mindset. Social media companies are not required to halt online abuse; they benefit from online fighting as it increases engagement which in turn incentivizes advertising.


Social Media Monster has been an official selection at 52 film festivals, won 15 awards, and was nominated or a finalist at 17 festivals. We won the prestigious “Stranger than Fiction” award at the New Jersey Documentary Film Festival.


Given the director’s personal experience with an internet troll, well, this exact troll, made him want to create a film from the perspective of the average citizen of St. Joseph, Missouri as Matthew started his information warfare and the social media attacks as it unfolded. Matthew is very aware of the film and the situation is ongoing. Director Peter John Ross filed for a Civil Stalking Protection Order against Matthew Berdyck in 2022 and it was granted. Matthew Berdyck now has 4 warrants for his arrest and multiple findings of contempt of court for violating the CSPO. Also a Defamation lawsuit was won against Matthew Berdyck LLC and its officer Matthew Berdyck in June of 2024. All of this has been documented and is being readied as a sequel film or streaming series about the continuing story.



Psychologist Dr. Nuccitelli’s iPredator blog on his harassment from Matthew Berdyck here: https://ipredator.co/matthew-berdyck-predatory-troll

directed by Peter John Ross

produced by Peter John Ross and Isa Rainer

co-produced by Alfie Gonzalez & Seth Distelweig

cinematography by Seth Distelweig, John Fromes, and Stewart Guy

editorial consulting by Garner Quillon

featuring music from The Ramey Memo

© Copyright Sonnyboo™ All Rights Reserved ®

LEGAL NOTICE: All footage is original or used under Fair Use laws and does not violate anyone’s right to privacy as all audio and video was publicly available or signed release forms were signed.

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